December 31, 2009

Resolve to be Thankful!

Well its time to ring in another year and with that comes the familiar list of resolutions, probably the same ones from the previous year but this time we are really going to accomplish them. We are all guilty of this! As Oprah Winfrey said “Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right.” I won’t deny I have my list of things that I did not accomplish in the last year that I will be tacking onto this year’s list.

During this final week of the year though I have been recapping 2009 and I have to say I am very thankful and appreciative of this past year. Maybe not everything was great or worked out how I wanted but overall it was pretty good. Unlike many people throughout our country I have a job. I managed to get back in touch with friends and family (thank you FB!). I even made real plans and got together with some of them. I spent the summer going away most weekends on affordable mini-vacations thanks to us buying our new camper. I tried things I had never done before (parasailing, kayaking, white water rafting, zip-lining to name a few) and found some new interests. Who knew I could be ‘adventure girl’?! By the way all of these activities will help me with my most common resolution year-after-year – lose weight!

So if I manage to accomplish a few things then that is good enough. And if you accomplish some of your goals too, don’t forget to reward yourself by going to I wish you all a happy and safe New Year! And most of all don’t worry, be happy!

By Izzy