February 25, 2009

Accessory Rewind

Last night I was trying to get an outfit together to wear to work and was thinking how a couple long strands of pearls would look fabulous. It was too late to run to the store so, I asked my grandmother who lives with me if I could look through her stash of jewelry. Sure enough, she had about a dozen different strands of pearls in all different lengths. Success! Then my mom brought out her own collection of accessories and before I knew it, I was being handed beautiful pieces of jewelry, each one presenting a different style from past decades!

It was better than shopping because everything was FREE. No price tag, no tax, no shipping and handling, and in this economy what could possibly be better than that?! I suggest you all do an accessory rewind and ask your grandmothers, moms, aunts, older sisters, and even your in-laws, to look through their old stuff. Just think of all the necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and belts that are waiting to be worn again! You never know what piece of vintage jewelry will catch your eye. It’s also a good way to try out styles you wouldn’t want to purchase or would never think to try on your own. My favorite necklace is a choker my dad gave my mom way back when they were dating and now it's all mine! So ladies, give it a try, save yourself a buck, and don’t forget to let me know what you find!