January 9, 2009

Hair Style

I know I mention my wife a lot in these posts, and today will be no different. She got back from the hair dresser yesterday after having spent over $100 on what she referred to as a "cut, dye, and blow out". $100 bucks for a hair cut! As a man, I pay Jerry, my local barber, $10 to cut my hair and I don't even think the guy owns a hair dryer so even in the dead of winter I leave with wet hair. And it doesn't bother me in the slightest. My wife on the other hand claims that going to the hair dresser every 6 weeks and paying obscene amounts of money on it is necessary for her style. I just don't get it. Does hair have anything to do with your personal style? Do you ladies out there feel that a great hair cut is necessary to how fashionable or well dressed you are? Is there some sort of correlation between hair and dressing? I'm clueless and am really interested in hearing about whether your hair style or lack thereof effects the way you dress..

By Mr. Y